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"Jornadas de Vida Cristiana"

Hi Jornadistas, Pre-Jornadistas,


For those that don’t know me my name is Victor Vélez. I was fortunate to make Jornada # 7 in February 1974. I was a Jornadista for Sacred Heart Chapel, better known as “La Capilla.” For those that know me, I want to share this website and relive with you the moments we shared in the greatest youth movement in the world, “Jornadas de Vida Cristiana.” 


As I look back at over 50 years, I can’t believe the movement is a half-century old and still going. As for me, it seems like the other day I was going to another clausura, plegaria, or dropping off a candidate at Cursillo House; preparing to go to “Haverstraw for Dia de Concentracion,” walking the streets of New York in a “Caminata,” or simply going to my weekly Jornadista meeting at my church. I am so happy that the movement has continued on this beautiful journey, and that so many young people have taken the staff like Moses to lead other youth to know, “Chuito.”


In 1978, I purchased a Konica FT-1 SLR camera that launched me into the world of photography. I built this website because of the innumerous photos I had taken in my years in the Jornada (1974-1989) and been stored in photo binders all these years.  


Two years ago, I purchased a photo scanner. I began scanning slides, negatives, and regular prints of my years in the Jornadas. After scanning them, I began to select photos that represented the best of the movement and its Jornadistas and leaders. Then came the editing of photos that were scratched and/or dirty and finally I put this website together to share these wonderful moments that I will cherish the rest of my life. This is but a small window of photos in the 50 plus years of the movement. Jornadistas involved during this period will appear most on this website. It is not my intent to ignore nor exclude anyone. I converted many photos into black and whites because of the discoloration of many color photos, plus it gives it a more vintage/nostalgic feel.​


The work to mount this website was very time-consuming, but I relived every moment with joy, sometimes with tears. While I did this work with all my LOVE, please do not ask me to remove, edit, delete, etc. due to your looks, weight, hair color, oversized glasses, no longer relationships, or any other circumstances. These photos are memories of my years in the Jornada Movement and there is no way for me to know certain situations and their present status.


These photos were taken over 35 years ago, some are blurry, out of focus, scratched, or have some residue of dirt, I tried to put the best photos, but most importantly the ones that reflect an important moment in the history of this great movement. In addition, some photos on this website were not taken by me but were in my pile of pictures, I included them because of their historical value. In total, this website contains over 1,000 photos of memorable moments in the movement. 


“Caminatas” (400 photos)

“Haverstraw, Marian Shrine” (275 photos)

“Clausuras” (200 photos) and a section I call,

"El Cuarto Dia / The Forth Day"  (200 photos)​


Pages on this website include photos and/or historical information of:


The First 25 Years, Clausuras, Haverstraw, Caminatas, El Cuarto Dia, Jornada Talleres or Workshops, Father Victor’s 25th Anniversary Mass, Father Astor’s 1st Mass, Jornada Dances, A Tribute to La Rosa Brillante, Jornada Memorabilia, Jornada Group Photos, Jornada Equipos & Candidates Listings and Contact information. The section, “In the Beginning” displays some historical data of the beginnings of the movement.  


This website and its photos are for the Jornada Movement. Please feel free to use any photo to enhance the movement and/or continue to promote this wonderful history into the future.


Enjoy, Victor Vélez - Jornada # 7

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